Forget Lattes—Pumpkin Spiced Beer on Tap Now at Fielder’s Choice

It’s that time of year again; the leaves are changing colors, a crisp chill is in the air, and half of your Facebook friends are incessantly posting about Pumpkin Spice lattes—so much so that it’s becoming a little tiresome.

We’re about to make one of the truest statements you've ever heard, and your mind will be blown out of your head when you hear it. Every October, the internet, television, and radio are covered in ads featuring one spice: Pumpkin. By the end of it, most of us will be pretty tired of hearing about Pumpkin Spice lattes, and you won't care if the person currently talking about them is in the pro or anti camp; you’ll just want it to be over.

We can’t help you with the inevitable latte fatigue, but we CAN give you something even better: pumpkin spice beer!

For a limited time, we have the amazing Mankato Brewing Company's Pumpkin Grinder Vienna Style Lager, brewed with pumpkin and spices to give you just a hint of pumpkin pie sweetness with your malty goodness.

If any of the words you just read sound a bit enticing, but you're still not sold on this whole pumpkin fad of the past few years, you can always consider coming in to give it a try during Happy Hour, where all tap beers are a dollar off. It truly is a great time to be alive.

Like we said before, this beer is only around for a limited time. Before long, it's going to disappear back into the ether. It's all based on how long the Mankato Brewing Company is willing or able to produce such an amazing beer. Either way, this seasonal spiced fad is here to stay. Instead of celebrating with an overpriced coffee that is mostly milk and sugar, stop by Fielder's Choice Tap and Table to try a Fall staple they way it was intended: in a beer.